How is My Bra Supposed to Fit?

If there is anything that ranks right up there— in terms of unpleasantness— with swimsuit shopping, it would have to be enduring the process of finding the illusive, well-fitting bra. It seems bras are always pinching in on the sides, causing spillage, or the opposite, gaps in the cups. Don’t even get me started on […]

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Why Underwire Bras are Bad for You?

We all know that feeling of unbelievable relief when we pull off an uncomfortable bra at the end of a long, hard day. While there might be many factors that play into a bra’s discomfort, from its fabric to its fit, in many cases, the single biggest complaint as far as comfort level is due […]

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Breaking the Mold: How New Bra Technology is Challenging Traditional Designs

Are you constantly readjusting your underwear throughout the day? Do you experience discomfort or irritation in the intimate areas?   It’s possible that your panties are not the right size for you. Wearing correctly fitting underwear is often underestimated, yet it plays a significant role in your overall comfort and confidence. However, with so many […]

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7 Tips for Styling a Sheer Bralette

If you look at modern fashion trends, it’s clear that it’s become more acceptable to not wear a heavy and thick bra with every outfit. Going braless or wearing sheer bralettes is totally “in.” More and more people are getting more comfortable with themselves and prioritizing physical comfort. But how do you style a sheer bralette? […]

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