The Law and Order of Self Love
You hear the words “manifest” a lot these days. Manifest your dreams. Manifest love. Manifest success. You are the sole arbiter of your destiny, they say, and your affirmations (or criticisms) are who you’ll become. Everyone’s finally catching onto the idea that the power of thought can’t be overlooked because it paves way for the law of attraction. Basically, you are what you say you are, an idea both Eminem (“I am whatever you say I am”) and the Buddha (“All that we are is a result of what we have thought”) can agree upon. We are collectively moving towards a very important truth in our lives;
Self love is paramount and to achieve it requires more than a bath bomb and a face mask.
The law of attraction is appearing more and more often on our conscious dashboards, whether that’s cutesy graphics on instagram or a health guru sending you his 5th email update after you attended just one of his zoom seminars.
What exactly does the law of attraction have to do with self love? Well, attracting what you want in your life requires a rigorous discipline of believing you deserve exactly that. You are worthy of everything that will bring you happiness and that simple yet poignant summary of our life’s mission is the premise of this law. Imagine your life as a blank canvas and you must consciously paint it, rather than Jackson Pollocking your way through it, to reflect your deepest desires. Paint it with conscious thoughts, life affirming actions, good friends, healthy habits, and positivity. Believing yourself to be the talented artist of your future is the first step. Falling in love with the picture comes after. Self love then becomes the paint itself, the colors that give your picture depth, personality and beauty. How can we start manifesting so that the law of attraction serves us?
Power Tip 1: Appreciate your present
Gratitude is an incredibly powerful thought. Reframing your mind to focus on the blessings you already have in your life creates space for your fruitful future. Grounding yourself in your present also helps you focus your efforts on the day to day habits that build sustainable happiness. Train yourself to be full of this powerful positivity so that the energy you emanate mimics this high frequency and attracts the same. Find comfort in knowing that some of the things you didn’t even realize you manifested are already in your life; the love of family (the one you were born into or created), a safe home, the chance to learn and educate yourself, someone to love, something to nurture. Appreciate yourself for who you are at this very moment. Count the things you love about yourself, the parts of you that stand the test of time and have remained your source of strength and confidence.
Power Tip 2: Accept your past

We develop negative thinking patterns because we get stuck in the regrets and mistakes of our past. We tend to believe we’re condemned to the same cyclical patterns of doubt and failure. In the 19th century, a controversial Russian philosopher named Helena Blavatsky touched on the early origins of the Law of Attraction. She advised,
“Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”
To shape your past as a catalyst rather than a cage helps you let go of limiting beliefs and assumptions you have about yourself. These beliefs stem from difficult circumstances of your childhood or young adulthood and can taint your attitude towards your present and future. Target these thoughts and ask yourself, “What messages did I receive when I was young that might lead me to think I can’t manifest my desires?” Forgive yourself and those around you. Holding onto resentment only breeds other negative feelings like doubt, anger, fear, hate amongst others. Your past shaped you but doesn’t have to own or define you.
Power Tip 3: Articulate your future
Visualize. Write down your goals and spend time imagining yourself in the future you curate. A lot of people create dream boards as a way to manifest; cut out photographs and words from magazines and organize them in a visual representation. Some of us need creative outlets for our aspirations and need to have them in common spaces so we are constantly reminded. Fully immersing yourself in the process helps your actions and feelings mimic what you hope they are in this imagined future. The optimism becomes a part of who you are. Affirmations only work when you truly believe them to be true; remember that as you repeat these phrases:
All areas of my life are abundant and filling.
Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.
I am worth loving. There is love all around me.
To lessen the gap between where you and where you want to be, you need to start living as if you are already there and the rest will follow.
Real talk: We have powers beyond our immediate perception and it’s exciting to see how impactful our thoughts can be. Whether we are learning how to focus, how to manifest our future or even just trying to stay creative, we owe it to ourselves to explore this superpower.
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